George Hillier Viola

George Hillier is a British violist based in Glasgow, Scotland. He is undertaking his undergraduate degree in viola performance at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland where he studies with Jane Atkins and Dr Lev Atlas.

George has a passion for sharing music with others. He is delighted to be an Ambassador for the Benedetti Foundation where he has had the chance to receive world class training and gain first hand experience working with young musicians. He is also an Ambassador for the National Youth Orchestra of Scotland where he has had the opportunity to travel across Scotland and guide young musicians who are at the start of their musical lives.

Another way George shares this passion is through teaching. He recently took up a position as an upper strings teacher at Haydock Music School where he teaches both the violin and viola. George also works with the National Children’s Orchestra where he is a member of the support team. He is thrilled to have the opportunity to give back to an organisation that started his own musical journey.

Since 2021, George has seized all of the opportunities that have come available to him after the pandemic. George had held places on professional experience schemes with orchestras such as the RSNO, Scottish Opera and the Scottish Ensemble.