Ana Patricia Semedo Cello

Patrícia has been an Instrumental Ambassador of the Benedetti Foundation since 2021. She graduated with a Master’s Degree in Music Performance in Cello at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama having studied with Alice Nearyandreceived two scholarships awards, the Helen Rachael Mackaness Charitable Trust Scholarship Award(2020-2021) and the Ann Driver Scholarship(2021-2022).

Highlights from her time at the college are winning the Bridgewood & Neitzert Chamber Music Prize at RWCMD with cello and piano duo (June 2022), performing the opera Die Fledermaus in a RWCMD production within a small ensemble of musicians conducted by Alice Farnham (June/July 2022), performing in the John Ireland Competition Final with piano trio (March2022) and at the Young Musicians Showcase at Penarth Chamber Music Festival with a cello and piano duo (June 2021) and participated in a cello project at RWCMD with Abel Selaocoe (October 2021).

After graduating, she went on to work as a Graduate Music Assistant at Wells Cathedral School (September-July 2023).

Patrícia enjoys working with young people. On top of the Ambassador Programme she participated in a student placement with National Children’s Orchestra, a partnership with RWCMD,participated in the Accel. Project from Mish Mash Productions (January 2023), targeting those from groups currently under-represented in the classical music sector, developing the skills for a more theatrical presentation of music for young audiences and currently freelances as a Support Team member with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain.